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The University of Kent Student Publication
"Your campus, your voice."
The Great Acceleration
By Emma Leach Credit: Dikaseva| Unsplash ‘The Great Acceleration’ is a period of time within the history of our planet hallmarked by the...
Cash Strapped Kent Student: The Sour Reality of a “Sugar Baby”
Lying naked on the strange sheets, she felt used and ashamed. ‘It’s just sex’, she thought. She picked up the money he had left on the...
Carl Benjamin confirmed to speak on campus despite Union objection
Controversial YouTube personality Sargon of Akkad, public name Carl Benjamin, has been confirmed to speak at the University of Kent next...
Samira Conteh: The Female Falcon
Samira Conteh is proof that This Kent Girl Can. As the first woman to join the UKC American Football Falcon’s, she has proved that sports...
This Kent Girl Can: Lizzie Lucas, President of Lacrosse
Elizabeth Lucas joined Kent University in 2015, as she says “many moons ago” and studies accounting & has been taking the world by a...
Lynsey Hooper: “Don’t Be Scared of Messing Up Your Hair”
Currently in Prague taking some time off from her busy schedule, freelance sports journalist Lynsey Hooper joined InQuire for an...
Kent Boob Team Interview
Kent Boob Team Interview, with president Grace Couch, Secretary Georgina Edwards and Fundraising officer Lauren McGuinness. Q: Tell me a...
Exclusive: University Road assault victim speaks out
This article contains sensitive and graphic content that may be disturbing for some readers. Bloodied and sprawled on the cold pavement,...
Living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Katie Livings
Graduating from sixth form and gaining a place at university is a unique experience for everyone. It is a time when the student feels...
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