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The University of Kent Student Publication
"Your campus, your voice."
Accessibility at Kent
By Emily Regan 27th February 2021 Image Courtesy of Marianne Martin Each year the University...
Living as a Disabled Student
Photos courtesy of InQuire Photography | Aslan Ntumba Isobel Simmons bravely shares her story about what it's like to go from Lacrosse to...
Kent professor and disabled rights activist celebrated in exhibition
Image courtesy of: Student Support and Wellbeing at the University of Kent The Mike Oliver Exhibition in celebration of Disabled History...
Why my autism diagnosis is the best thing that's ever happened to me
Image courtesy of Bill Bowkett | Facebook For me, the latest figures from the National Autistic Society make depressing reading. Only 16%...
Canterbury does not do enough for the disabled
Disability is a topic rarely discussed in mainstream media, mainly due to the sensitivity associated with it. However, I find it...
UK Disability History Month: What it is and why it is important to us
The idea behind the UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) is a focus on the history of the “struggle for equality and human rights”. The...
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