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The University of Kent Student Publication
"Your campus, your voice."
Fighting for a Home in Gaza
Credit: Photo taken by Emily Heath An interview with Faris Alsayed “I’ve lived in Gaza for 15 years, most of my life, and seen the...
The Israel-Palestine debate established nothing concrete
As it was the first time at a UK university that an Israeli and a Palestinian representative would have a discussion on stage, it was...
The Israel-Palestine debate was pointless
Earlier this month the Liberty Society at our university, with aid from the Jewish Society and the Palestinian Society, arranged a...
Kent hold historic discussion with Israeli and Palestinian diplomats
Photography by Emily Heath (Head of Photography) On Wednesday 5 December, the University of Kent held the first formal discussion between...
Kent to host first discussion between Israel-Palestine speaker in UK
The University of Kent is the first UK university to hold a formal discussion between two prominent Israeli and Palestinian figures....
Israel's never-ending war
Yesterday, Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery died. His commitment to finding a peaceful resolution to the Palestinian question was...
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