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The University of Kent Student Publication
"Your campus, your voice."
A trip down memory lane and beyond - Baltimore
(Image courtesy of Unsplash) 17th May 2021 By Elle Summers I awoke on the coach, aching from the neck pain from having leant on my friend...
A trip down memory lane and beyond - Philadelphia
(Image courtesy of Elle Summers) 15th May 2021 By Elle Summers The train to Philadelphia was a long one, with one change at Trenton....
A trip down memory lane and beyond - New York City
(Image courtesy of Unsplash) 14th May 2021 By Elle Summers In 2019, I had decided to take a gap year between my A-Levels and going to...
Pandemic Travel: The Long Journey Home
Image Courtesy of: Ainy Shiyam Saturday, 14 March: I was sat in the audience at MTS’ production of Evita when my friend from back home...
My trip to Moscow
Image courtesy of Jesse Tomlinson “Why go to Russia? It will be freezing” they said. Yes, Moscow is a very cold city but when it only...
Amsterdam - an introverts experience
Image courtesy of Azhar J on Unsplash I am not one for impromptu trips. I need months to mentally prepare for leaving my comfort zone but...
Northern Ireland: A nearby escape
Image courtesy of Blue Kulpa When I think of Ireland, what immediately comes to mind is mist, rain, and never-ending green fields. I then...
How to take care of your mental health whilst travelling
Image courtesy of Simon English on Unsplash In light of World Mental Health Day which took place earlier this year, I have been thinking...
Is there any value to a year abroad?
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position...
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