Varsity Pole Fitness has arrivedImage courtesy of Inquire Media The Pole Fitness Varsity was a captivating performance. Canterbury Christ Church took home the win, but...
Day 4: Varsity Round UpPhoto coutesy of Canterbury Varsity Day 4 was an away day for Team Kent which hosted Cricket, Climbing, Pole fitness and Dance. The...
UKC Gamers triumph at ESports VarsityPhoto courtesy of Canterbury Varsity Be honest, when you think of sports you probably don’t picture video games. Outside of fitness...
Day 5: Varsity Round UpPhoto coutesy of Canterbury Varsity Day 5 offered a mix of the old and new with traditional Varsity sports Tennis and Snow Sports being...
Kayak Polo makes a splash on Varsity debutphoto courtesy of Inquire Media There may not have been any Varsity points on offer at the inaugural Varsity Kayak Polo, but that did not...
Victory for Volleyball in landslide winPhoto courtesy of Inquire Media The UKC Volleyball team appeared confident in the face of a largely CCCU dominant crowd. At first, I...
16 - 0 win for Hockey women's 2'sPhoto Courtesy of Inquire Media With relatively defensive formation of 4-4-2, the UKC Women’s 2’s were determined not to let any ball go...
Success for UKC Men's Cricket 2sImage courtesy of InQuire Media The University of Kent secured another win for Team Kent in this year’s Varsity after defeating...
Trampolining TriumphantImage courtesy of Inquire Media Trampolining was an energetic event, even as it went overtime and continued into the late evening....