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Many women struggle with a lack of confidence. We live in a society that has a rigid idea of beauty, and if you don’t have the particular features assigned to the word, it can be hard to accept. What is so inspiring about strippers is that they ooze confidence, they choose to reveal themselves despite their imperfections. It’s something that can be very empowering. Yes, many women strip because they are in a difficult situation and need a way to earn quick money, but what about those that do it because they genuinely love it?

Many strippers strive to be the best versions of themselves by eating well and exercising, not just so they will look good in front of their audience, but so they can feel good as a result. They take pride in this aspect of their profession, despite people assuming that all they really do is take off their clothes. Many strippers are intelligent, kind, and hard-working people who have chosen an unlikely career path; they ignore society’s stigma, and dance because they want to. Despite this, there is dark and dangerous side of stripping, and it is something women should be wary of.

If you think about what stripping entails, it can be seen as very similar to modelling, which doesn’t have the same stigma attached to it. Models use their bodies to make money, often posing naked or in underwear. We often see these images as empowering, on the front of health magazines and on big advertisements. So why is that deemed acceptable, while stripping isn’t? Perhaps some would argue that strippers are mainly used to please men, which can be seen as degrading. But images of models aren’t restricted to women-only viewing.

Of course not all stripping is positive, but there is more to the story than the harsh judgements that float around the concept. Ultimately, we shouldn’t be so quick to pass judgement on something just for how it looks at first glance.

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