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Make 2022 the year of pressure-free resolutions

(Image courtesy of Unsplash)

24th January 2022

By Elle Summers

Every year, as the majority of us celebrate the start of a new year, everyone always has one thing on their mind – New Year’s resolutions. Why do we believe that every January something will change? Why not put that chocolate down in December? Lock the alcohol cupboard in May? No, for some reason we all decide January is the best time to become the new version of ourselves. And honestly, what could go wrong?

Without a doubt, January has to be the most depressing time of year! It’s always cold (despite us having the hottest New Year’s Day on record), the days are short, and everyone is strapped for cash after the rush for Christmas shopping and the new year sales. So why are we conned into thinking that this is the perfect context into which we must force change. Why put more pressure on yourself in this moment? Why take away the happiness that is that chocolate bar? We never know why we feel we need to do this, but it’s guaranteed that year upon year, we try and do this to ourselves.

Now I’m not saying change is bad, or that we shouldn’t try to better ourselves. Only why do we put this pressure on ourselves at this time of year? Instead, I propose that it would be better to make sweeping declarations and general hopes for the future of 2022. I for one hope that this year brings less sorrow and more joy to everyone. I hope this is a year of happiness and fun after the dark few years we have lived through.

I can sit and write resolutions until the cows come home about how I’m going to go to the gym multiple times a week, find myself that perfect graduate job, move out of my family home the second I graduate. But if 2020 and 2021 have taught us anything then surely its that the future is uncertain. We can’t guarantee that I will get my dream job the second I graduate. We can’t control that. Sure, there are things I can do to help me on my way. But why do we think that setting ourselves huge goals is the way to make ourselves feel happy?

I’ve always been one for small goals, things I can achieve. If you’ve never experienced the kind of rush it can give you having achieved a goal, no matter how small, then you are missing out! So I want to take this opportunity to promote the ideas of small goals and how they matter. Okay, let’s not cut out chocolate, but try having one biscuit instead of two with that cup of tea. We may not be able to go to the gym every week – something always seem to alter the plan. But go when you can, and then give it your all!

Life as students is stressful enough as it is. Balancing deadlines, work, being an adult, trying to stay fit, making new friends, society commitments, finding a job, finances, and everything else we have to do in 24 hours is tiring. So, I say let 2022 be the year of giving ourselves a break.

My resolutions are to find joy in small things, stop and enjoy the present moment while I can, to take time for myself. All we have is now, this moment. I implore you, stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be your idea of perfect – things will work out, things will be okay. But nothing is promised, so enjoy today. Bring on 2022!


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