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The architecture, the food, and the history behind Rome is what makes it one of the most popular cities to explore in Europe. Filled with winding cobbled streets, and picture-perfect views around every corner, the city is arguably one of the most beautiful. This beauty only grows with time; as they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

At almost 3000 years old, Rome is one of the oldest cities in Europe. Despite thousands of tourists who fill the streets with cameras in one hand and maps in the other, the city is also a place people have made their home. Amongst the historic monuments and crumbling ruins people go about their day as if it is not a world spectacle.

Rome has everything to offer; it provides tourists with the opportunity to eat, shop, educate themselves, and lose themselves in the city’s tattered orange walls.

Being the capital of Italy it has a culinary reputation to live up to. No matter how hard you try you won’t be able to resist the pasta or pizza on every corner: the thin crust, flavourful sauce, melted cheese, and any topping you could want. Of course you wouldn’t be able to leave Rome without trying some of the best gelato money can buy. Despite every gelato stand claiming to be the best in Rome, from personal experience, and many brain-freezes, I can confirm the best is Giolitti’s. Hidden down a little pathway, it is one of the oldest gelato shops in the city. Along with every flavour your heart could desire, you’re also treated to a dollop of cream with every purchase. It is truly anyone with a sweet tooth’s dream.

It’s a city built on ruins that entices toursits with its beauty, and its historical significance. The Colosseum is one of the most famous attractions Rome has to offer since its creation in 80 AD, and it is arguably the most iconic symbol of the city. Despite the fact that the Colosseum once seated 50,000 people, if you’re wanting to explore its interior you’ll have to be up early, as the queue begins at 9am.

The old city is quite small, but there is always a new attraction around every corner. From the Colosseum to the Roman Forum, an excavated area full of Roman temples, is only a five minute stroll. As you explore the depths of the city you’ll come across the Pantheon, St Peter’s Basilica, and the iconic Trevi Fountain. Thousands of tourists come every day to close their eyes, make a wish and throw a coin into the fountain in hope their dreams will come true. Each of these beautiful sites combine to make Rome one of the most gorgeous and fascinating cities to explore. There’s a certain magic behind the history of this city, which could make anyone fall in love. You don’t need much money to enjoy it, just some gelato in one hand, a camera in another. You could wander endlessly taking in the architecture, or merely just people watching on the Spanish Steps. As Lizzie Maguire once said, Rome really is a city which dreams are made of.

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