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Who is the new Doctor?

It's been a long wait for the fans of TV’s longest-running science fiction show, but the brand new series of Doctor Who is finally here, complete with a newly-regenerated Doctor, and not one, but three new companions!

Jodie Whittaker seems so far to be an excellent choice for the role of the famous Time Lord (or should I say, Time Lady?), capturing both the serious and comedic elements of the character brilliantly. It is uncertain from just the first episode as to what kind of direction she and new showrunner Chris Chibnall will be taking the character and show in, but what is clear – both from Sunday night’s first look, and their previous success with BBC’s Broadchurch – is that viewers are certainly in for a treat.

The new companions seem to match the standards set by their predecessors as well, particularly Ryan (played by Tosin Cole), who really stood out in this week’s episode. Hopefully, though, we will get to learn more about the other two new companions, Yaz and Graham (played by Mandip Gill and Bradley Walsh, respectively), in future episodes. The diversity of the cast this series also looks pretty great, and this is something that the show has been getting better and better at over the years, so there is definitely a lot to be praised here! Unusually, there was no sign of the TARDIS in this weekend’s episode, and, other than a brand-new, handmade sonic screwdriver, there was very little in the way of Time Lord technology on the show either. It is currently unclear whether this will be an ongoing theme for this series, but it definitely gave Whittaker’s Doctor a chance to demonstrate some of the intelligence and quick thinking that the character is best known for, as well as giving her new companions the opportunity to bring their own talents and tricks to the forefront of the action.

Packed with action, humour, suspense, and just a hint of heartbreak, this week’s episode had a lot of potential, and promises that Doctor Who series 11 will have something for everyone, and hopefully it will not disappoint. The perfect blend of old and new elements makes this series ideal Sunday night viewing for long-time fans and casual watchers alike, and I personally cannot wait to see what’s in store next for the all-new Doctor and her team.

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