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UKC raises £15,203 for Movember

Movember draws to a close, but the money raised by everyone at UKC will still go a long way. From hot wing challenges, to 24 hour sports sessions and the distributions of a lot of t-shirts/cocktails, UKC managed to raise a grand total of £15,203!

On the final day of Movember, the team organised a free shave off in the plaza for all those who had partaken in the growing of a moustache, could safely remove that caterpillar from their top lip.

First up to the razor was Luke Davis from Kent Sailing & Windsurfing, who raised £410 for the cause. Also to have his tash taken off was Harry Copping, who was the highest individual fundraiser with over £1000!

He stated, “Movember 2018 was without a doubt one of the most fun months I’ve had at UKC. Everything we were involved in was so much fun and we’ve done it all for an incredible cause. I’m very proud to have been a big part of it.”

Toby who also organised the Movember as part of the committee stated "Movember was great for me as it saw loads of different societies being inventive in how they would raise money from 24 hour passing to taster sessions in the plaza and charity tees. My favourite event had to be the hot wing purely for the fact some of the freshers were really put through their paces. It was a great month (if stressful at times) and I’m looking forward to doing it all again next year."

After the shave off, the committee posted a message of thanks on the Movember of UKC Facebook page:

“Over the past 30 days, we have raised an amazing £15,203!

A massive congratulations to all the teams and individuals who got involved over the past month: running events, growing tash's and participating.

All of the funds raised will help The Movember Foundation reach its goal of

reducing the number of men who die prematurely by 25%, by 2030 #teamkent #Movember”.

The committee have done UKC proud.

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