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Sargon of Akkad speaks at the University of Kent

On 28th November 2018, controversial youtuber Sargon of Akkad, real name Carl Benjamin, gave a talk titled "Populism in a changing west", hosted in the Chipperfield Lecture Theatre.

Benjamin began his talk by examining the protesters outside the event, claiming that the comments they had chosen and printed where ‘doctored screenshots’ and taken out of context.

He also addressed his opposition who label him as controversial, stating "I’m really not that controversial" and question his previous protestors opposition to his events. For example, highlighting an event in London earlier this year which was cancelled for Benjamin’s views, consequently mocking such an act, claiming that he had "no opinion on the Irish."

Following this, Benjamin questionned the oppositions claims about his racial views. He asked the audience "what are my views of race?" and claimed that his opposition "to the left is from their views on race", going on to relate his criticism to the Neo-Nazi graffiti found recently on Eliot College, arguing that the "Graffitti was done by leftists, because real Nazis know how to draw a real swastika.’"

Sargon also went on to state that "I'm not a fan of political correctness", before also rejecting the notion of state intervention into social affairs, arguing that totalitarian regimes and restrictions of free speech begin "with any kind of social oversight the government has."

He took issue with state intervention in regards to gender. He argued that the he was "for the state being for your rights", but that he did not "care what the state thinks of transphobia." He supported ‘adults doing what they want’ but took issue with the liberties children were being given over sexual reassignment surgeries.

At one moment, Benjamin claimed that the process were "grooming autistic children", citing a recent case in which "40 children in a Brighton school" had undertaken movements to reassign their gender. He asked "do they know what they’re doing?" and suggested that the long-term consequences are not sufficiently understood for actions to be taken.

Upon research, it appears that Benjamin was referring to an article in the Daily Mail last month revealing that 40 school children in Brighton have announced they don't identify their agenda at birth.

Cointuining in the same vein of thought he exclaimed that he had "a real problem with all kind of identity politics" and discussed the normalisation of social politics by the far left. He resolved that "we are not going to realise the impact" until it is too late.

Another particularly note-worthy target of Sargon's was that of feminism, claiming that "women in Britain are not oppressed" and that "feminism has no validity in the UK" before further arguing that there was an increasing issue of the working class being "affected by Islam" and that they were labelled "racist for having these concerns" surrounding Muslim crimes. They are considered "wrong for having a desire to have the laws applied evenly", he claimed.

After addressing these views he claimed that he spoke for a "marginalised people", namely "white, straight, male, nerdy people."

In his answers, he addresses issues such as freedom of speech, deplatforming, globalist politics, Islam, brexit, feminism and his political position.

UKC Liberty Society President Christopher Barnard relayed in his statement that he felt the event was a success and the University made the correct choice by allowing Sargon to speak:

"I believe that this was a highly successful event. Carl was funny, light, and engaged very well with the audience.

"Despite what the Feminist President, who was in attendance, might claim, there were 130 other people there that will testify to the fact that Carl answered for himself well, said nothing outrageous, and in fact helped detoxify his image.

"I definitely do not agree with him on many things, but that's a part of being a student who is challenged in his views. Rather than allowing people to rely on sound-bites, buzzwords, and emotional reactions, the University made the right decision in allowing Carl to defend and uphold his convictions. The 1-minute long resounding ovation at the end of his talk underlines this very well."

UKC Feminist Society President Nelle Porter also offered a brief statement to InQuire which claimed "the university should be ashamed of itself as an institution for letting an event like this go ahead."

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