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Brexit, what could possibly go wrong?

Watching the current Brexit negotiations is an experience that can only be compared with sitting in a traffic jam, while your children scream in the back over how you should’ve changed the waffle recipe. Whilst this stance may provoke anger as being part of a “biased media against Brexit”, it’s hard not to be cynical when the public are hog-tied in the boot praying that Theresa May won’t crach the car.

Brexit has made the news for, arguably, making progress (whatever that means anymore). May’s Florence speech where she outlined that Britain is seeking a “transition period” and confessed that the UK will have to pay, something has pushed the negotiations out of a stand-still, and to crawling pace. However, the only practical winners of the speech are ironically the EU negotiation team, as it not only angered many Brexiteers with the realisation that Britain won’t leave immediately, Remainers still have no idea what future relations we will have with the EU, and we’re still funding the EU in the process.

That’s not to say that the EU are in complete control, they have been forced to move their hand on trade talks, one of Britain’s priorities, after the UK restarted negotiations. This is a small price to pay politically in comparison to how much Brexiteers are costing the UK’s negotiating position. May has been urged to walk away from talks by Brexiteer MPs, the practicality of such a suggestion is almost ludicrous, and only weakens May’s position in talks. All of this has occurred around Boris Johnson’s attempts at sabotaging his way to Number 10. Calls for Johnson’s resignation from the Cabinet were something to savour, if not believe in, as it highlighted that the children in the back of the car were definitely kicking and screaming, but that Theresa, the driver, had essentially put in ear plugs.

Whilst Brexit still has a long way to go, even Theresa May’s closest aides won’t be recommending her to stand a re-election. She has sacrificed/cocked up (depending on your own interpretation) too much politically to come out of the Brexit process with much credibility. Sorry Tories.

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