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UKC Korfball smash the BUCS tournament

The UKC Korfball team hosted the BUCS South-East Regionals. They had their first ever 1st and 2nd team competing in the tournament, a brand new achievement for the club. The Korfball 1st team finished in third place, qualifying for the National Championships. It went to penalties against UEA. The 2nd team got to regional in first place, getting to the second-tire nationals.

“It was a great day for everyone at UKC Korfball Club and one that we will remember for a very long time and we hope the rest of the season brings us as much success. We want to thank Kent Sport because without their help the day would not have been able to go ahead.” Lucy states, one of the Korfball players.

The third team will be playing BUCS also on 9th Febuary.

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