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Emily Window: exclusive and inclusive Varsity interview

Photo by Emily Heath (Head of Photography)

"You will have all eyes on you, all the university will be behind you" - Emily Window

Sports VP. She's done gym membership reviews, exclusivity and a bigger and better than ever Varsity, . Ladies and gentlemen, it's Emily Window. And she's here to give us the lowdown on Varsity.

How are we feeling for Varsity?

Emily: Super excited. Varsity has always been a really exciting time for me. My housemates competed in Varsity in the past, so I’d get excited with them! Competing myself in Trampolining was a lot of fun in itself. I can’t wait to see everyone in action – it’s going to be amazing time. Let’s see what Christchurch come out with.

What’s the best way for students to keep up with Varsity?

Emily: We have a Canterbury Varsity page where you can find all the events. The TeamKent page will also be posting a lot of coverage of what’s going on, scores, all that. Any changes in fixtures will be announced. Student Media are doing amazing coverage, KTV will be doing live streams and InQuire Media will be doing interviews, match reports, photos and keeping on top of the whole coverage.

What’s is Inclusvarsity?

Emily: The idea comes from other campaigns we’ve done, promoting inclusivity in Sports. Such as LGBT+, where we’ve done rainbow laces and a Varsity pledge. We want to take a further approach this year in Sport, we are looking at still supporting LGBT+, but also including disability by having disability Varsity matches. We are also, for the first time ever, hosting a trans only swimming session just after Varsity for our trans students, which will create a safe environment for them to feel that they can get involved in Sport as much as anyone else. It’s changing for the better.

Do you think UKC will win the most matches?

Emily: Hands down. Not even a question. Quietly confident.

Do you have any advice for the students taking part, on pitch or off pitch?

Emily: Have as much fun as possible! At the end of the day, we do want to win but it is just a bit of fun at the end of the day. This is the biggest sporting event in the university calendar, you will have all eyes on you, all the university will be behind you. If it’s your last Varsity, hold onto that feeling.

Any messages for CCCU?

Emily: Be scared.

What is this about E-Sport Varsity?

Emily: This is the gaming part of Varsity. It is a new competition between CCCU and Kent, playing Smash Bros, League of Legends, ect. There’s suggestions E-Sports will actually become a big thing in Varsity and be official events. The events have grown so much in the past twenty years. We can look to the future of Varsity. A great opportunity to do what you love.

What is UKC’s best sporting quality?

Emily: The team work. Most clubs play BUCS every Wednesday. As I’ve watched them play, win or lose they’re there to have a good time. They have happy to be playing Sport. It’s about the pure enjoyment and not taking it too seriously. That’s what drive success.

What was Varsity like in the past?

Emily: I refer to the events of 2013/14 as the darker days as I send in a presentation at the student experience awards. We used to have a lot of behaviour issues, due to lack of security, alcohol, less regulations, no code of conduct. We came to a breaking point five years ago where there was graffiti, violence, defacing property and that was the straw that broke the camels back. Since then, we’ve created an operations group between Kent and CCCU where we work together since the Summer to combat these issues and avoid them from happening. It has helped to transform Varsity into the event it is now. There is respect for Sport, and we can look to the future of Varsity. That’s why we can branch out, run campaigns for change.

What is your one word for Varsity?

Emily: One word! Exciting is boring. I am pumped! more information from Emily on the Varsity facebook page.

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