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Tennis are serving up for Varsity

"We are ready to win, there is nothing friendly about it." - Milo Winstone (2nd Captain)

Tennis are serving up victory for Varsity, hoping to claim the Varsity win. InQuire spoke with all three of the team captains, in which they gave their responses to what they expect of Varsity.

Dennis Kurtalic (1st Team Captain)

We are primed and ready to go for Varsity. Teams are fresh and have trained hard throughout the season in order to preform in these matches. My track record is 2 Varsity’s, 2 wins. To which I will soon add another win but as captain this time, which will make it that bit sweeter. The teams are all in high spirit, and are feeling the varsity motivation. Performances this year within BUCS have motivated us all! We’re all taking this very seriously as for most of us it is our last chance to beat CCCU and represent UKC in this way. The Tennis Teams biggest winning quality is our mentality and drive. We are calm and collected before matches, but motivated and fired up whilst competing.

One word: Winners

Milo Winstone (2nd Team Captain)

I am excited but nervous as it’s a great opportunity to have fun but is also very competitive so there’s a lot of pressure to perform well. We are ready to win, there is nothing friendly about it. Whilst the match will of course be amicable – we want to leave them embarrassingly defeated and undignified. I would say our team is camaraderie, all the players are very good friends, which will help on the day massively – especially in the doubles and support whilst not playing.

One word to sum up Varsity: Competition

Birgit Burk (1st Team Captain)

I am feeling pumped and really excited! It’s the event of the year, so the spirit is already there to play in front of everyone and bring the winning point to UKC! We are high in team spirit- if we have the right feeling and mood, we will smash CCCU anyways haha! They are nice girls so I’d rather win by just being better in tennis than they are not like going to a war! What I love most is how unite our girls’ team is, and the team spirit/vibe we have! And of course, we’re just better at tennis.

One word to sum up Varsity: Vamos

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