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Women's Basketball are expecting an intense Varsity

"We lost last year, and it won't happen again." - Louisa Moore

In preparation for Varsity, InQuire spoke with a couple of the individuals on the Women's Basketball Varsity squad team, including the squads Captain. With a good year in terms of BUCS and winning half of their games, it'll be an intense match to say the least.

Louisa Moore

"I am feeling excited for Varsity. Sadly, we lost last years varsity match but we are hoping to change that We are fully in it to win it! We will be giving it 100% to beat CCCU. We lost last year and, it won’t happen again. We have passion for the game and fighting spirit. We’re training hard and we are ready!"

One word to sum up Varsity: Pride

KG Banjoko

"I expect a win this year. We’re hungry for it and we’ve got a solid group of girls from last year who have gotten used to the pressure so hopefully with their experience they’ll be able to take the lead on the court, focus up and bring home the banner.

We’ve got a lot of talent on the team I’m happy to say! A couple of returners Celine and Itzair are great outside shooters and Celine’s layups are famous on our town. And there’s Louisa, who’s captain this year, she’s got a lot of fight in her and she’s great at forcing fouls, which I love. Down in the post we’ve got Tino, Laura, Silvia, and Louise who all bring something different down low – whether it be a soft midrange shot (Laura), a sweet pop shot (Louise), a great box out (Silvia) and just great athleticism all round (Tino). I myself am injured right now and I’m trying to rest up my ankle so I can get down there and be part of the work we’re planning on putting in varsity."

One word to sum up Varsity: Intense

The Women's Basketball is on Sunday 17th February at 5pm.

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