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Women's Hockey are sticking up for inclusivity in Varsity

"We 100% are playing with the intention to win; if we weren't what would be the point?" - Emma Fawcett

In the run up to Varsity, Women's Hockey are hoping to start a winning strike. Track record is not as good as hoped for, as stated by the Chairwoman of the club, but they are still hopeful! The BUCS history this year is looking good also, with only one loss last term. Who knows, maybe it will be the year that hockey claims the title...

Womens’s Hockey - Emma Fawcett

"We are feeling very ready for Varsity with the slow build up that this term has given! Especially with it being my final year, it would be very good to end on a varsity win and league promotion. It is still currently on the cards!

Looking at my previous varsity history I can't lie it, does not look great... being two losses. Yet, both games we stepped up and in first year was a very close game. However, this year we have new people in the team and are very ready. We 100% are playing with the intention to win; if we weren't what would be the point!?

The fresh blood in our team has brought new ideas to our way of playing, and the team bond off the pitch has only strengthened the on pitch playing

One word to sum up Varsity: Inclusivity

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