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Cheer Varsity: fun filled event

The UKC Falcon’s showcased a great performance, looking bright and excited in their sparkling new uniforms. Their spirits were high despite the unfortunate setback of their game-day captain being taken away injured only a couple of hours before their performance. Raffia Khalid, one of the flyers tells InQuire that “we didn’t expect the 3GX to be so wet, so it was much more slippery than expected, which was why some of the stunts didn’t go up. It definitely not the best run we’ve ever done”. They’d been rehearsing hard, however, and it paid off, visible in their stunning routine. They showed off their numbers, which looked far greater than that of CCU as the team cartwheeled outwards and spread out at the beginning of their performance. Raffia continues, “the dance was really good, considering it was the first time we practised with music and the 3GX - even when stunts went down or things went wrong we just kept going”.

Although it wasn't a points event, Cheer still had a lot of fun.

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