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CCCU NUS Referendum Declared Invalid

A referendum to decide CCCU's affiliaton with NUS last week has since been declared invalid.

In a statement released by the CCCU's Student Union, the nulification is due to an incident "that constitutes a clear and significant breach of our rules" and the Union has since opened an investigation.

It is not currently clear as to what such incident has caused the Union to take this action.

The referendum, held between the 19th-21st March, was to decide on the question: "Should Christ Church Students' Union continue to be affiliated to the National Union of Students (NUS)?"

Consequently, the votes of the referendum have not been counted although CCSU have further clarified that they wish to hold another valid referendum before the end of the academic year.

It is reported that over 500 CCCU students cast their vote in the referendum last week.

More to follow.


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