Activities Awards: The Results
Photography: Kent Union
It was a night of celebration and triumph for this year's activity volunteers at the University of Kent.
The Activities Awards take place once a year to recognize and reward students (both individually and in groups) for their hard work throughout the academic year. This year, the ceremony took place in the Darwin Conference Suite on 29th of March.
Eighteen awards were presented on the night, decided by a panel of activities staff within Kent Union.
Sasha Langeveldt, this year's Activities Vice President opened the awards ceremony with a speech reflecting on her experience as a sabbatical officer.
"I am extremely proud of what every group has accomplished this year. Not only have we broken down many barriers but we have come together as a community and that's what makes Student Activities amazing."
She also noted that although this is officially the last year for an Activities VP, she is excited about the future of this sphere in the hands of next year's Student Engagement Vice President, Emily Window.
Host for the night, Kieran Kershaw and Ogo Anokwuru, then took the mic with both being well experienced in student media, being reoccurring presenters for Kent Television (KTV). In spite of a couple minor behind-the-scenes mishaps, the duo did a fantastic job at entertaining the crowd.
The reception commenced with a live singing performance, which set the mood for the evening with various games being played throughout, allowing participants to win complementary rounds of drinks, with Kent Dance winning in a game of heads and tails.
The three course meal was served by Kent Hospitality and consisted of a soup entrée, option between a cheeseburger or a vegetarian main and the dessert was a spectacular doughnut wall and a lavish chocolate fountain. Additionally, bouquets of sweets were given to each table from Kent Union to say a big thank you to the volunteers.
The awards were given out throughout the night, individuals and groups coming up to the centre of the floor to make speeches, receive their prizes from Sasha and of course to grab a professional photo with their awards.
The top 3 shortlisted and the winners were as follows:
Best New Group
Kent Marketing Society
Winner: Kent Marketing Society
Community Action Group
Beetbox Food Co-op
Kent Uni Boob Team
Winner: Beetbox Food Co-op
Society of the Year
Islamic Society
Kent Dance
Winner: Kent Dance
Lasting Impact
Daria Istayeva - InQuire
Jessica Mayne - Kent African Caribbean Society
Silvana Marianou - RAG
Winner: Daria Istayeva
Committee of the Year
Kent Dance
Kent Uni Boob Team
Musical Theatre
Winner: Musical Theatre
Student Life
Lily Dedman
Megan Warwick
Winner: Megan Warwick
Best Event
East African Society
Palestani and Solidarity Society and Jewish Society
UKC Hogwarts
Winner: East African Society
Best Collaboration
Islamic Society
Big Live Link - KTV and others
West African
Winner: Islamic Society
Excellence in Media
CSR - Welcome Weekend Coverage
InQuire - Varsity Coverage
Winner: InQuire - Varsity Coverage
Forum Politics
Young Europeans and FFS
Winner: Young Europeans and FFS
Forum Performance
Kent Sing
K-Pop Dance
Live Music
Winner: Kent Sing
Forum Cultural
Caribbean Union
Malaysian Society
Winner: Malaysian
Forum Faith and Belief
Christian Union
Winner: Christian Union
Forum Physical
Kent Pole Fitness
Winner: Airsoft
Forum Special Interest
Kent Marketing
Winner: Photography
Forum Academic
Kent Classics and Archeology
Winner: Kent Classics and Archaeology
Spirit of Fundraising
Cameron Jones
Islamic Society
Maisie Matthews
Winner: Cameron Jones
Most Improved
Kent Sing
Kent Uni Boob Team
Winner: Kent Sing