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Free gym memberships for first year students on campus

Image courtesy of: Emily Heath

Students living on campus will see free gym memberships in the near future, a Union Vice President has announced.

Kent Union’s Vice President Student Engagement, Emily Window, took to Facebook on the 25th of December to announce that all students living on campus from the next academic year will receive a free Premium Plus gym membership.

Emily Window said: “for the first time ever, from next academic year, everyone who lives on campus will get a free Premium Plus gym membership!”

“Last year, over 2500 of you helped me to complete the Fit for Purpose survey, which got your voice heard on how the gym membership should be structure for the new academic year. This introduced the facility only membership for the first time.”

Emily Window also added that First year students who live off-campus will also be able to apply for the free membership.

The Premium Plus membership is the highest form of membership provided by Kent Sport, which gives unrestricted access to the gym and sport facilities.

The memberships would previously cost first year students £245 per academic year.

The Vice President, who announced changes to the types of gym membership in September last year, also added that other additions may be announced in the future.

Emily Window said: “We will be looking into a monthly payment scheme next year also.”

Window’s main manifesto point when being elected into her position as VP Sport in 2018 was to improve the pricings of gym memberships.

“Thank you to all the students involved – whether you filled out the survey or worked with me for the past year and a half on getting this pushed through.”

“A big thank you to Kent Sport also, for getting the best deal for students.”

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