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Day 3 : Varsity Round Up

Image of courtesy of Canterbury Varsity

Varsity Day 3 offered both sides the chance to gain 15 points with Badminton Men’s and Women’s, Volleyball, Trampolining and Kayak Polo. Unfortunately, after being pushed back and postponed Ju Jitsu was eventually cancelled and the points given to UKC.

This will perhaps be the shortest post of the week due to the overwhelming dominance of Team Kent. Badminton Men’s face little opposition and preventing CCCU from gaining a single win. At the end of the day, UKC came out on top with an impressive 8 - 0 win. The women’s team followed after, similarly thrashing the local rivals in another 8 - 0 win. Despite not being a point scoring match Men’s Badminton 2s showed no signs of holding back. Again winning with 8 - 0. Overall the Badminton secured 6 points for Team Kent, all whilst not conceding a single game.

On the other court, Volleyball began and within minutes it was clear Kent were going to win. The game ended with the women winning 3 sets easily with scores of 23-2, 20-3 and 25-5. A fantastic performance and scores to reflect the ladies’ dominance.

Trampolining was the final point scoring event of the day with a hefty 3 points available. After a late start and close competition, UKC remained calm and confident. They followed in the footsteps of those before them, taking home the final 3 points for Team Kent in a slim difference of only 0.88 between the two teams.

Kayak Polo was introduced this year. As a new sport no points were up for grabs and they did not disappoint. Unfortunately Kent narrowly missed out on securing the win.

Overall, this was an extremely successful day for Team Kent. The hard work of the teams meant that UKC was awarded the maximum points possible for the day. Players and teams to come will appreciate the pressure that has been taken off them due to the many stand out performances produced by Kent.

At the end of Day 3 the overall score is 35 - 6, meaning Team Kent only requires 12 more points to bring Varsity to UKC once more.

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