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Kent Sports team tour to go ahead despite Coronavirus fears

Image Courtesy of: Cassandra Banard

The Universities sports team tour is due to go ahead as planned in light of the spread of COVID-19, better known as Coronavirus, throughout the UK and Europe.

VP for Student Engagement Emily Window confirmed on Tuesday that Tour was going ahead as planned after fears the tour would be called off because of the Coronavirus outbreak.

She said: “I spoke to ILOVETOUR on Friday to ask for an update on any travel guidance for our sports tour.

"They said that they are monitoring the situation and will keep us informed on the status of Tour if there are any further warnings or travel information from Public Health England.

"As a travel company, they get information quicker than we do and will be able to communicate this out to us.”

Each year members of the Universities sports teams spend a week in Europe partying with their fellow teammates.

This year’s tour is being ran by ILoveTour, a specialist provider of student tours. Its due to take place between the 13th and the 19th of April in Porec, Croatia.

As of time of writing there are currently 12 cases of Coronavirus in Croatia, compared to 51 in the UK.

The Foreign Office currently doesn’t have any specific travel advice in place regarding Croatia, unlike Italy where the outbreak is far more serious.

Many large international events, including a number of premier league football matches, have been postponed or cancelled to prevent further spread of the disease.

ILoveTour takes care of universities across the country, with hundreds of students descending on the same resort.

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