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University caves to graduate with degree withheld over £17 fine

Image courtesy of: Ainy Shiyam

A University student who had his law degree withheld over £17 over a burned sofa has had it returned.

Joshua Ingle, a 21-year-old University of Kent graduate, informed Kent Online that his Upper Second-Class law degree had been withheld over £17 he owed to the University over a sofa in Tyler Court.

After the release of the Kent Online article, the University has since cleared the fine.

Speaking to Kent Online, Mr Ingle said: “I've paid nearly £30,000 in tuition and they're refusing to give me my degree over £17.”

"I need my degree to apply for jobs to prove I've graduated and got that result, but I can't as they're refusing to give it to me.”

"I've explained to them many times I shouldn't be charged for something that wasn't my fault but they're still adamant that it's the way it should be and that's how they've always done it.”

"This is a non-academic debt – I don't see why they would have to hold my degree over it.”

While he was studying law, a house mate burned a part of their sofa with a pan.

The University offered for a culprit to come forward and pay the full fine, but as no one owned up to the act, they were all fined.

The University also made each student sign for liability of the damages; however, Mr Ingle refused to sign and made a complaint to the University, which wasn’t acknowledged.

Mr Ingle said: "It's just really shameful on their part."

The University have since provided the graduate with his degree after local news outlets broke the story last week.

Joshua said: “it feels great knowing that I have got something that I’ve worked really hard for.

“It’s been a tough three years and I’m happy I finally have something to show for it.”

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