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Creating the perfect student Christmas

(Image courtesy of Unsplash)

16th December 2021

By Abbey Bryant

With both the holidays and deadline season fast approaching, it is crucial as students to enjoy some festive down-time. Whether you’re a complete ‘Bah Humbug’ or you’re a Christmas enthusiast, we hope our recommendations will help you create the perfect ‘student Christmas’.

To make Christmas at University a special one, we voted on a ‘Fake Christmas Day’. Creating the perfect student Christmas entails eating until your stomachs explode, exchange of Secret Santa gifts and a Christmas soirée with your closest friends. Keep reading to find out to create the perfect Christmas in Canterbury!

Festive Fry-Up

For a foodie like me, a big part of Christmas is about the meal. Boxes upon boxes of Celebrations, a cheese board, and a lifetime supply of mince pies. So, I would absolutely recommend you capture the Christmas spirit through a selection of delicious, festive snacks!

First things first, we needed to fuel ourselves ready for our uni Christmas. Our choice of a ‘festive fry-up’ seemed to accommodate everyone’s tastebuds perfectly. Our breakfast showcased a variety of flavours: hashbrowns, bacon, sausages, sauteed mushrooms, and be sure to grab yourself a Quality Street toffee penny latte from Costa.

To make your festive fry up, you will want to shop the Christmas food selection in your local supermarket. Substituting Linda McCartney sausages for Aldi’s pigs in blankets is just one example of capturing the festive spirit without breaking the bank! Swapping out your boring Warburton crumpets to festive Christmas tree crumpets is another great festive treat.

Secret Santa

Christmas provides the perfect opportunity to go over-board on spending money on unnecessary Christmas presents for people. So, being the broke students we are, setting a student friendly budget for Secret Santa is a great solution to avoid our overdrafts.

A student friendly budget of £15 proves to be the perfect amount for a cute, sentimental gift and a jokey present. With deadline season in line with Christmas shopping, the responsibility of only shopping for one person definitely takes some pressure off. Even if your house isn’t good at keeping secrets, the spirit of giving and festive cheer certainly won’t be lost as you exchange Christmas gifts!

Christmas Dinner

Who would’ve thought the preparation for a house Christmas dinner could be so intense? Days prior to your dinner, consider a venture to Aldi to gather your festive ingredients. But the shopping doesn’t stop here… you can also pick up festive decorations: crackers, tablecloths, drinking games and much more. Now it really feels like Christmas at home!

Operation Christmas dinner is ready to commence - each housemate is allocated to a designated station for their cooking responsibility. No one can fall behind the very strict timings for every component of the dinner.

If you’re worrying about letting the team down, I recommend looking at videos and recipes providing guidance on ‘How to create the perfect roasties’! This should get you through the chaos of cooking!

Games and Movie Night:

After the chaos of creating the Christmas dinner, a cosy night in watching Christmas movies was definitely needed. I recommend for each person in your house chooses their favourite Christmas film and then pull one of the films out of hat so it’s a fair choice!

Alternatively, you could create a Christmas film watchlist and persuade your housemates to plough through this list with you, (we’re only twenty percent into mine, but we’ll get there!). Here are some of our personal favourites:



The Christmas Chronicles

Miracle on 34th Street

Make sure you search Netflix and make your way through your own festive watchlist! Snacks and festive drinks are an absolute must on a festive movie night. A personal favourite of mine is a warm mince pie, cream and a glass of mulled wine. Though this may seem too sophisticated a choice for a uni student, it can be made on a budget and in large quantities to keep your entire flat merry!

I hope this article has inspired you and your housemates to create the perfect student Christmas! Let us know in the comments!


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