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Organizing the Best Flat Parties for Freshers!

Grace Bishop 21 September 2021

Images courtesy of Unsplash (Samantha Gades)

Flat parties will always be a rite of passage for any fresher. But if you’re anything like me, you might be wondering.. where do I start? Once you’ve taken a leap of faith and decided to host the party, there is a long list to think about. How much booze do you buy? Whats the music vibe? How do we make it a memorable night? The list goes on and on. However the main thing is, DON’T panic! Hopefully this article will provide some insight.

The Importance of Wireless Speakers: Whether you or someone you know owns a speaker - befriend them! You will always be appreciated at flat parties - nobody wants a night of silence.

A fixed party playlist is an essential for the night ahead. You need to create a playlist that mirrors the vibe of the party; if people wanted a night of head banging old hits they would have gone to Vensday. Make sure you’re not listening to anything on repeat! Theres nothing worse than combining alcohol with break up songs. A recipe for endless tears.

Drinking Games are Always Welcome: Whether its Ring of Fire, Drunk Jenga or a classic game of Cards Against Humanity, drinking games are a great way of building bridges with people. Whether you’re sober or wasted, anyone can join in.

Images courtesy of Unsplash (Taylor Friehl)

They have always and will always be a staple aspect of the halls experience. A deck of cards can go a long way and you’ll always secure an invitation to the next party. (Hopefully it’s not just for the use of your drinking games)

Cocktails Night: First of all… nobody expects you to provide the booze for the whole night; how could you possibly provide enough Co-Op vodka to quench the thirst of over 50 people. Make the BYO rule known to ensure the drinks keep flowing all night long.

After a while everyone will be professing their undying love for each other before grabbing a 24hr McDonald’s and heading to bed for a world of pain in the morning. Trust me… everyone has been there. In my previous house me and my housemates had a cocktail ingredients poster which came in VERY handy during our lockdown kitchen drinking antics. We picked a few different cocktails which had the same alcohol in common and got shaking. Not only was this a creative way to have fun, but it was also ridiculously cheap! We ended up paying as much as we would have for one cocktail at Citi Terrace! Cocktails always go down a treat and before you know it, you’ll be dancing on the table.

Images courtesy of Unsplash (Kobby Mendez)

Themes: Theme Nights are always a good option. Dressing up is a great way to have a bit of fun and to break the ice with new housemates. If you don’t see an array of neon, glitter and animal themed Fresher’s during next week then something has gone horribly wrong. (You’ll always see a rogue nun somewhere, usually looking for more vodka). Themes can also stretch to food and alcohol. Mexican Margarita nights are always a hit! Or try limoncello and pizza for an Italian vibe. Decorations are welcome but not necessary, they’ll be wrecked by morning.

Side Note: Advice for pre-prep before people arrive would be to clean any glasses (or buy disposable cups - they save you in the morning), put any valuables away and have the essential Instagram picture to post the following day while you’re head is next to a bucket. (Paracetamol and toast works a treat!)

The Guest List: Whoever attends your party could make or break the night, so invite everyone! Fresher’s parties are a great way to make friends during a time when homesickness might be on the horizon. Who knows you might meet your lifelong best friends here.

However the most important thing is to enjoy it. You’ll never be a fresher again so cherish Fresher’s and befriend as many people as possible. You never know who you’ll next bump into on campus, maybe it was a familiar face you can’t quite place from one of the endless flat parties you will attend.


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