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Picnic spots in Canterbury

(Image courtesy of Unsplash)

14th April 2021

By Amelia Fewings

Now that we can meet up with two households or a group of six outside and the weather is getting nicer, it’s the perfect time for picnics with your friends. Here are the best places for picnics in and around Canterbury:


A 20 minute bus journey away from campus, Whitstable beach is a great spot for a picnic. There are lots of cafés or fish and chip shops doing takeaways so you don’t even need to pack your own food. You can sit along one of the many benches along the beach or the seafront wall or take some pictures outside the colourful beach huts.

(Image courtesy of Amelia Fewings)

Blean Nature Reserve:

The woods are in the middle of Rough common, about 20 minutes walk from campus, this is a good spot if you’re looking to go for a walk as well. As you walk through the woods you will find a couple of picnic benches along the trails, but bring some shoes you don’t mind getting muddy!

Dane John Gardens

This one is a bit of a more central location, just outside of town, plenty of benches or sit on the bandstand! Close to cafés to grab a coffee for you picnic. If it’s not too windy, you can walk to the top of the mound to look over the city centre.

West Gate Gardens:

This location is the classic picnic spot, but you can’t beat the amazing scenery, the river, flowers and people watching! We love this spot as it’s the perfect location for some Instagram snaps in the sunshine!

(Image courtesy of Amelia Fewings)

The orchards behind Wincheap:

If you live on the Wincheap side of Canterbury, you may not think there are many picnic spots as it’s a pretty residential area, but behind the residential area is an orchard and a hill to watch the sunset (or sunrise if you are an early bird). If you walk far enough you might spot some cows!

Dukes Meadows:

Duke Meadows and the field next to Neal’s Place Road nearby are a bit more remote and at some spots offer a view over the city and a good place to watch the sunset. This is also a good spot if you are looking for a bit of a walk as well.

(Image courtesy of Amelia Fewings)

Abbots Mill Garden:

This spot is also along the River Stour, but less busy than Westgate gardens. It was the spot of many water mills and a mill which was one of the largest buildings in Canterbury city centre (other than the cathedral) but burned down about 90 years ago. Now it’s a great place to sit by the river and have a picnic.

Beverly Meadows:

Beverly meadows isn’t too far from Canterbury West station and is pretty close to most off campus popular student housing areas. This is probably the best place to picnic if you want to do some people watching or play some football.

There are also obviously so many great beaches to visit that are a bit further afield and good if you have a car! I have never visited Dover, Ramsgate, Broadstairs or Deal and they are all on my list to visit before the end of the year.

Pandemic or no pandemic, with the weather warming up it’s lovely to be outside and have a change of scenery. Let us know in the comments if you have any secret spots in the city that you are looking forward to sitting in to enjoy the sunshine and a catch- up!


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