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Tackling homesickness at uni

(Image courtesy of Unsplash)

4th October 2021

By Elle Summers

As the new academic year begins, many Freshers head to their University campuses for the first time, leaving their hometowns from up and down the country and saying goodbye to their loved ones, ready to brave a new adventure.

Of course, your hearts are filled with anticipation, and your minds are focused on the boozy plans for Welcome Week, but I’m sure for many there is that nagging fear, a sense of dread at the unknown and worry expressed towards change.

As someone who suffers from anxiety and insecurity myself, I can tell you that these were the things running through my mind as I headed off for Turing College way back in 2019.

For many, change can be scary and facing the unknown can make your stomach drop as if you are on the tallest rollercoaster ride. If reading this sounds familiar, then can I just take a moment to say that you’re doing so well, look at how far you’ve already made it towards entering your University experience, and take it from an aging third year – you won’t regret it!

Now, I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. The adrenaline and the excitement will propel you through the first part of unpacking your belongings into your room (many of which I’m sure you won’t need – but that’s for another article!). As your parents head off after the full 20 minutes the University allocates them to park up and help unpack, don’t be surprised if you get a small pang of emotion, as you realise this is it! You may even be someone of a confident disposition who feels consistently happy throughout the first few weeks of your new University life.

You might start to miss the little things: the homecooked meal your mum would set on the table, the jokes you have with your siblings and having your friends from years gone by just around the corner. If that’s the case, here are a few tips for making things just that little bit easier for you.

1) Print photos! Now I’m sure the accommodation team will love me for saying this, but bring photos of your favourite memories and people from back home to Uni. Whether you choose to display them on your walls or in a photo album, it’s nice to have something physical to look at in moments of sadness, reminding you of all those people that are missing you too! Having photos up really helped me in first year, as it felt like my sixth form friends were right there beside me.

2) Call and text home. I promise you that your parents are friends are missing you just as much as you are them, even if their Instagram stories would state otherwise! And you never know, a spontaneous call to a friend could just be the pick-me-up you both needed that week.

3) Surround yourself by things you love. Much like displaying photos, bringing that teddy bear you’ve had since childhood, that ornament you’ve always had on your bedside table at home or fairy lights and bunting can really transform a room from generic university accommodation to somewhere to call home.

4) Throw yourself into the events. Whether it be those that Kent Union are putting on for Freshers, self-made plans with flatmates or academic activities for your course, make sure you attend everything you feel able to. Keeping busy and meeting new people is a great way to enjoy your time here in Canterbury whilst making new friends and enjoying all university life has to offer.

5) Finally, my biggest piece of advice is talk to others! I can guarantee someone else from your flat is feeling the same way as you and being able to talk it over will make you both feel so much better. Alternatively, you can always seek help through the Kent Wellbeing Services who have a great team dedicated to helping students settle into University life. You can view their website here.


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