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The one with the fashion faux-pas

(Image courtesy of Pinterest)

27th June 2021

By Abbey Bryant

From Ross' leather pants to Joey's man-bag to Chandler's special sweater-vests, we have rounded up the most iconic fashion faux pas from our three favourite friends. Could these looks BE any more iconic?

The 90’s sitcom Friends spotlights the life of six characters, all undeniable fashion icons in their own right. Though the girls represent a trendy and chic fashion sense, the guys tend to display humorous fashion moments throughout the show as opposed to being inspirational fashion gurus! Their questionable fashion choices are crucial to personality of their character all the same.

(Image courtesy of GQ)

The hilarious flashbacks to Ross and Chandler’s time at college showcase quintessential 80s mullets, and vibrant block colour matching two-piece suits. And Ross wondered why Rachel wasn’t too interested!

The timeless entertainment of Friends, and also the girls fashion sense is perhaps why the sitcom attracts such a wide audience to this day. But I think it is safe to say the boys are incapable of teaching their viewers style lessons. Rather, they persevered in providing us with plenty of entertainment. Chandler’s sarcastic jokes, Joey’s charm with the ladies and Ross’s persistence that he and Rachel were in fact ‘on a break’. Nonetheless, we adore our male Friends and their questionable style choices throughout the programme.

The sweater-vest:

(Image courtesy of Pinterest)

Chandler is characterised by an endless supply of knitted sweater-vests and an abundance of sarcasm. Though we view Chandler as a goofy sweetheart, flashbacks to his luscious locks don’t keep us wondering for long as why Monica fell for Friends’ resident comedian.

The 90s chequered sweater-vests trend are certainly kept alive through Chandler’s character. We often see him pairing the vest over a light shirt – comfortable, the perfect transitional outfit through the seasons…maybe we can see the appeal!

Yet again sweater-vests are in the limelight, with pub golf fashion becoming prominent in British fancy dress culture, it appears that Chandler unwittingly inspires a whole generation of goofy young men to dress like a teacher!

Ross’ leather pants:

(Image courtesy of Magic Pin)

After an extremely challenging year for Ross, evicted and divorced AGAIN, viewers of Friends rejoice in his hilarious leather trouser wardrobe malfunction. Ross ventures away from his comfortable, conservative fashion style and embraces this leather outfit. He switches his formal attire for tight-fitted trousers. Although a wardrobe staple for many women in 2021, Ross’ pairing of the leather trousers with baby powder and lotion doesn’t quite have the same appeal! Ross teaches us all the pitfalls of stepping out of your fashion comfort-zone with this fashion fail!

This episode, The One With All The Resolutions, is testimony to each of the character’s personal struggles, mainly focusing on Ross’s wardrobe mishap as he prepares for a date in his leather trousers. If you are going to take any style tips from this fashion guru – NEVER wear leather pants on a date…An utterly unforgettable moment for Schwimmer I'm sure!

Joey’s man-bag:

(Image courtesy of Pinterest)

Fashion icon Rachel Green, introduces Joey to this fabulous shoulder bag to help him land an acting job.

Flaunting the practicality of his new ‘man bag’, Joey is in complete admiration of the never-ending compartments to store his products. While Joey and Chandler tease Joey’s accessory, Joey reveals his complete security in his masculinity – he is often seen posing with his ‘handy’ and ‘becoming’ fashion garment. Man-bags were increasing in popularity in the 90s, perhaps Joey inspired young men to carry their shoulder bag with the same confidence and assertion as Joey.

Joey reveals there is nothing feminine about possessing this practical fashion accessory, rather, he struts around confidently with his leather bag perched on his shoulder.

Could I BE wearing any more clothes?

(Image courtesy of GQ)

An iconic wardrobe moment seen in an earlier season of Friends. In response to Chandler hiding his underwear, Joey retaliates and returns wearing all of Chandler’s clothes. He mimics Chandler’s sarcastic jokes and humorously remarks – ‘Could I BE wearing anymore clothes?’.

Joey spotlights a broad repertoire of Chandler’s conservative fashion pieces, he displays an array of his collection sweater-vests, work shirts and funky ties. We cannot help but laugh out loud as Joey lunges repetitively in a swarm of Chandler’s clothes.

Let us know in the comment which one is your favourite fashion faux pas in the comments. The boys from Friends will keep us laughing for days and their often their questionable fashion choices add to the humour!


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